Part 54: Magic Overview #5- Blink and You'll miss Luna, the Moon Spirit
Oh, right, we got a new spirit. I almost forgot, what with blinking during the "dungeon". So, we now have access to Moon magic, given to us by the Moon spiritLuna. Why the moon spirit was hanging out in a starlake in the middle of the desert is something this game never even remotely explains.
Official Art
and more recently
In Game Sprite
Luna is the Spirit of the moon. Luna is where the game being in "Just get it done" mode really becomes apparent, because Luna has a three room dungeon, if you include the outside and the seed room, and a single puzzle. That said, she absolutely has one of the Sprite's best spells, so I'm not upset I don't need to go through a rigamarole to get her.
Girl's spells
Lunar Boost: 2 MP to cast, Attack Up, Evasion Down. Good Berserk with moon madness.
Moon Energy: 2 MP to cast, Up Crit hit rate and damage.
] Moon Saber: 3 MP to cast, ABSORB HP WITH EVERY ATTACK. Do not use on undead, or creatures that cast this same spell or energy absorb.
Sprite's spells
Change Form: 5 MP to cast, Changes enemy into another enemy. I think it changes rewards and drops, too.
Lunar Magic: 8 MP to cast, Randomness, the spell. This can heal, hurt, or status your party, the enemy, or everyone. I don't use it much.
Magic Absorb: 1 MP to cast, EFFECTIVELY INFINITE MP. Deesn't work on undead, or most bosses.